Hope Island Respiratory Clinic
About our Respiratory Clinic
Hope Island Medical Centre has been selected to operate one of the nation’s 100 respiratory clinics, specifically led by GPs to provide expert care for patients with any respiratory symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Hope Island Respiratory Clinic provides a free service funded by the Commonwealth Government. If you think you have symptoms of a respiratory illness (this can include a fever, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath, a sore throat and/or tiredness) you can call us for an appointment, or online bookings are available here.
Whilst these symptoms are of concern, most people will actually have another respiratory infection such as the flu. COVID-19 infections present very much like a cold or flu infection, but testing is the only way to tell the difference.
The purpose of the clinic is to provide assessment, testing and management for people who present with respiratory symptoms. We follow the strictest infection control guidelines for your safety.
All patients being tested for COVID-19 should home isolate until test results are available. All patients should attend an emergency department if clinical deterioration occurs.
Our Respiratory clinic will reduce the risk of further transmission of COVID-19, help to optimise the use of available stocks of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and help reduce the pressure on hospital emergency departments.
Our clinic will be staffed by our existing general practice doctors and nurses and will be government funded to assess, test and diagnose respiratory cases and is not just a testing centre.